For more than 45 years, RHEMA Bible Training Center has trained and equipped believers, ministers, and leaders for effective service in building God’s Kingdom. We continue to fulfill the mandate to “Go teach My people faith” and to bear witness to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Kenneth E. Hagin received the mandate from the Lord to “Go teach My people faith.”
From that time on, Kenneth had an increased determination to teach faith in God’s Word. He began holding faith seminars and teaching the Word of God.

Brother Hagin announces the opening of a Bible School
God’s plan for fulfilling the mandate became clear during Kenneth Hagin Ministries’ first Campmeeting in 1973. Speaking under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Kenneth E. Hagin said, “We’re going to start a Bible School.” He later gave his son, Kenneth W. Hagin, the task of starting what is now RHEMA Bible Training Center.
RHEMA Bible Training Center USA opens
Kenneth W. Hagin and his wife Lynette knew they were called to pioneer the school, and RHEMA Bible Training Center USA opened in September 1974. 58 students graduated the next spring.

RBTC moves to Broken Arrow
When RBTC started, classes were held in a church in Tulsa, OK. In July, 1976 the ministry purchased buildings and land in nearby Broken Arrow.
This campus became the Headquarters of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, RHEMA Bible Training Center, and later RHEMA Bible Church.
Prophecy Over RHEMA Graduates
RHEMA Bible Training Center’s purpose has been clear from the start. But it was dramatically emphasized in a prophecy given through Brother Hagin during the 1979 graduation ceremony.
Click here to read the entire prophecy.

International RHEMA Campuses Begin to Open
In 1978, Brother Kenneth E. Hagin had said that a day would come when there would be RHEMA Bible Training Centers in different countries around the world. Then in 1980, his son, Pastor Kenneth W. Hagin preached a message about opening RHEMA Bible Training Center campuses internationally.
From that time, RHEMA campuses began and continue to open across the world. There are currently over 250 campuses in over 50 countries.
RHEMA Bible Church opens
As RHEMA Bible Training Center grew, more and more students were looking for a church to call home. Itinerant teachers and evangelists were looking for a base from which to operate.
The Lord spoke to Kenneth W about starting and pastoring a church. RBC now hosts all annual RHEMA conferences - Winter Bible Seminar, Campmeeting, Kindle the Flame, and Call to Arms.

Rev Kenneth E Hagin goes home
Kenneth E. Hagin ministered for almost 70 years after God miraculously healed him at the age of 17. Although he went home to be with the Lord in 2003, the ministry he founded, and his legacy of faith, continues to bless multitudes around the globe through the on-going work of his son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, Pastor Kenneth W. & Lynette Hagin, Craig W. Hagin and Denise Hagin Burns.
Rhema Malaysia opens 2 campuses
Through a vision received from God and a series of divine appointments, Rhema Singapore inspired the birth of 2 Rhema Malaysia campuses. Rhema Kota Kinabalu started with the partnership of Skyline SIB where it continues to be based to this day. In the state of Sarawak, Rhema has also collaborated with BEM Sarawak to open a school in Sibu.

Rhema Kuching starts
During a meeting with local pastors to introduce Rhema, interest was expressed to start a school in Kuching in collaboration with BEM Sarawak. Rhema Kuching was thus planted in BEM Grace and remains to this day.
Rhema Sarikei opens its doors
Graduates from Rhema Sibu inspired a new campus plant in BEM Bandar Sarikei in response to the burden to see ‘Bahasa Malaysia’ conversant believers being built up and firmly established upon the Word of God and living a victorious life led by the Spirit of God.