Francis & Rev Genevieve Wong
Rev Genevieve and her husband, Francis are business people who felt a call of God to ministry since 2006. They are passionate to see people grounded in the Word, live victoriously and on fire for God for the gospel to be spread throughout the nations.
In 2006, Rev Genevieve had an encounter with God where she was asked to sell everything in Malaysia and moved to Singapore to go to Bible school. She went to Rhema Bible Training Center, Singapore in 2009. There, God showed her a vision to start Rhema schools in Malaysia. Rhema Malaysia started in 2012.
Revs Joseph & Mary Purcell
Revs Joe and Mary Purcell have been missionaries to Asia since 1991, based first in Russia and now in Singapore. A former lawyer, Joe graduated from Rhema, has a master's degree in Theology, and is working toward the Doctor of Ministry degree from Knox Theological Seminary. They have served as church planters, pastors, teachers, and Bible school directors. Joe's specialty is training preachers and teachers in exegesis, hermeneutics, and homiletics.
Rev John Britto
Rev John is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center Singapore and is committed to equipping believers for their work in ministry. He and his wife, Shruthi have a heart not only to support cross-cultural missions, but to train and send corporate missionaries into the market place. Rev John also serves as Honorary Secretary in the Executive Board of Rhema Bible Training Center Singapore. Rev John and Shruthi have 2 daughters Abiah and Abigail.
Rev Alfrin Tan
Rev Alfrin is a preacher and teacher of God’s Word with a passion to see God’s people develop a living faith to trust God at His Word and to live in the fullness of His plan for their lives. She has ministered in Bible schools, conferences and churches in Singapore, East Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Russia and New Zealand.
Prior to her fulltime teaching ministry, Rev Alfrin also served in pastoral ministry in her home church in Singapore for several years before moving on to focus on overseas missions and teaching in RHEMA Bible Training Center. Her most recent assignment brought her to New Zealand where she started a training ministry focusing on equipping believers to fulfill their purpose and destiny in Christ.
Rev Alfrin holds a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological College in Singapore, and she is also a graduate from RHEMA Bible Training Center Singapore.
Rev Daniel Cheang
Ps Daniel has been a full-time pastor since 2008. Besides pastoring, he has also been teaching at various Rhema campuses like Shillong, Hanoi and Kathmandu but has been primarily focusing on the Malaysian campuses in the last few years. Prior to pastoring, he worked in the Human Resource industry for 20 years and has also graduated from Rhema Singapore and the School of Ministry.
Ps Daniel is married and has a teenage daughter. A Manchester United fan who enjoys the beautiful game from his sofa, he also brisk walks and has a preference for Christian autobiographies and literature among his reading selections.
Rev Mervin Walton
Rev Mervin Walton was an IT professional in the US for 35 years before retiring in 2011 to become a missionary and Bible teacher in Asia. He and his wife, Helen, minister in Rhema Thailand and Rhema Myanmar and he ministers in Rhema Malaysia as well. His passion is in training and mentoring pastors and church leaders in Asia.
Rev Hadassah Foong
Rev. Hadassah is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Centre, Singapore and has completed the School of Ministry. She is a teacher and minister of the Word, teaching in Rhema Singapore and the extension schools in East Malaysia. Whilst her ministry focus is to help both ministers and lay people to be all that God has called them to be, she is most passionate in equipping the body of Christ in less developed countries.
Jean Giam
Jean delights in the Word of God and in seeing the Word come alive - transforming lives, restoring families, and impacting nations. She has a marketplace background which includes marketing, consulting, training, and development.
David Chang
David is presently a part-time volunteer trainee instructor at Rhema Singapore. He also serves as Treasurer of Rhema Singapore and is on the Board of Directors of Rhema Singapore. He graduated from the diploma program of Rhema Singapore in 2017 and from the School of Ministry in 2018.
Wong Tok Hua
Elder Wong Tok Hua graduated from Rhema Malaysia and has been serving as a Rhema instructor since 2019. Besides that, interpreting Rhema classes and translating materials into Bahasa Malaysia together with his wife, Ying Ting, has been his ministry now.
He has been actively serving God through leadership and pulpit ministry for the past 30 years; and is currently serving as General Council Member of BEM Sarawak.
Christina Jacques
Christina Jacques is the wife of Elder Thomas Jacques, and they serve in BEM Grace. A Rhema Malaysia graduate with a Bachelor of Early Childhood, she joined the teaching team in 2019. During the Sydney 2000 Olympics, Christina was involved in the King’s Kid’s Ministry Malaysia accompanying a team of children, including two of her own.
Together with international counterparts, they shared the Gospel through testimonies, dance and drama in and around Sydney. Her passion is to teach the Gospel so that others may know the Lord Jesus as their loving Saviour and be established in their identity in Christ.